Information for victims

Victims of crime have an important role within the parole process and can assist the State Parole Authority (SPA) with its deliberations before a final decision is made.

All victims are entitled to make a written submission to the State Parole Authority (SPA) about an offender’s parole application. Victims can also request certain additional parole conditions for an offender or seek an order for exclusion zones preventing an offender visiting or frequenting certain areas.

In some cases, victims can also make verbal submissions in court to State Parole Authority members during public review hearings.

All the information contained in a victim's submission to the SPA is strictly confidential unless the victim gives consent for a copy to be provided to the offender, or their legal representative.

The parole process can sometimes be a difficult course to navigate but the Victims Register - external site is available with highly trained staff to provide advice and support to victims of crime.

For more information: FAQs about parole

Last updated:

21 Jul 2022

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