Skaf Determination: Parole Granted

14 September 2021

In deciding to grant parole, the SPA took into consideration the advice of experts and unanimous support for parole including the latest Submission, made on behalf of the State, which did not oppose release.

The Serious Offenders Review Council advised SPA parole for Skaf was “appropriate” at this time as “further time in custody would not appear to be useful in relation to his re-integration”.

Pre-release reports of Community Correction also supported parole, confirming there had been a “significant improvement” in Skaf’s behaviour and attitude towards his offending.

The SPA evaluated the offender’s successful participation in all applicable programs in custody, including the recently completed Real Understanding of Self Help (RUSH) Program.

Skaf became eligible for parole in 2018 and has served three and a half years past his eligibility date.

The SPA has no power to extend Skaf’s fixed sentence and his release is inevitable.

The difficult task has been to find the safest pathway to ensure any risk he poses to the community is carefully managed and monitored.

In prioritising community safety, the SPA acknowledges the distress Skaf’s release to parole will cause his victims and some within the wider community.

Skaf, now 38 was 17 years old at the time of his conviction. He has served 20 years and 10 months of his maximum sentence of 22 years 11 months and 30 days.

His parole order will apply for the 2 years and 2 months until his maximum sentence expires 1 January 2024.


  • Mandatory Electronic Monitoring with schedules
  • Standard conditions 1-11 and Additional Conditions below:



While you are on parole:     

1.       You must be of good behaviour.

2.       You must not commit any offences.

3.       You must adapt to normal lawful community life.

When you are first released on parole:

4.       You must report:

a)     to a community corrections officer at a time and place directed, or

b)     if you have not been given a direction, to a Community Corrections office within 7 days of your release.

While your parole is supervised:

5.       You must report to a community corrections officer at the times and places directed by the officer.

6.       You must comply with all reasonable directions from a community corrections officer about:

a)     the place where you will live

b)     participating in programs, treatment, interventions or other related activities

c)     participating in employment, education, training or other related activities

d)     not undertaking specified employment, education, training, volunteer, leisure or other activities

e)     not associating with specified people

f)      not visiting or frequenting specified places or areas

g)     ceasing drug use

h)     ceasing or reducing alcohol use

i)       drug and alcohol testing

j)       monitoring your compliance with the parole order

k)     giving consent to third parties to provide information to the officer that is relevant to your compliance with the parole order.

7.       You must comply with any other reasonable directions from a community corrections officer.

8.       You must permit a community corrections officer to visit you at the place where you live at any time, and permit the officer to enter the premises when they visit you.

9.       You must notify a community corrections officer if you change your address, contact details or employment. You must do this before the change occurs if practicable, or within 7 days of the change occurring.

10.   You must not leave New South Wales without permission from a community corrections manager.

11.   You must not leave Australia without permission from the State Parole Authority.

While your parole is supervised you are subject to mandatory electronic monitoring:

a) You must submit a schedule of proposed activities to a community corrections officer for approval if directed to do so by the officer.

b) You must submit to electronic monitoring.

c) You must comply with all reasonable directions from a community corrections officer or electronic monitoring officer about electronic monitoring.

d) You must not remove, tamper with, damage or disable your electronic monitoring equipment.


19. You must if so directed by your Officer, participate in the following intervention, Forensic Psychology Services Maintenance.

24. You must not contact, communicate with, watch, stalk or harass the victim

27. You must comply with all conditions and requirements of the Child Protection Register.

28. You must not contact, communicate or associate with your co-offender/s, without the express prior approval of your Officer.

30. You must not frequent or visit the Local Government Areas of Liverpool, Fairfield, Blacktown and Parramatta

Read the determination in full here: (INSERT LINK)

** (Under the legislation, the State Parole Authority must provide a release date two weeks after a determination.)

Media inquiries: Dani Ongaro 0418203950 or

Last updated:

06 Jan 2025

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