Community Members

These members are appointed to the SPA by the Governor of NSW on the recommendation of the Minister for Corrections and at the Governor’s discretion.

Jeanette Boland, APM

A former Detective Sergeant with the Australian Federal Police for more than 32 years, Ms Boland was awarded the Australian Police Medal and a Commissioners’ Commendation for Conspicuous Conduct for her outstanding contribution to Countering Violent Extremism. A Board member of US consultancy, Children Recruited to Terrorist Groups (CRTG), she is also a co-founder of the Afghan Collective for Justice, and lectures in policing and leadership at the University of Tasmania.


Rosemary Caruana 

A former Corrective Services NSW Assistant Commissioner, Ms Caruana's extensive career in criminal justice and human services spanned many senior executive roles, including Acting Commissioner CSNSW. She has driven significant government reforms across the justice and human services portfolios, and holds a Masters in Business Administration and a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) Hons. 


Rod Harvey, APM 

His 35-year-career with the NSW Police Force was dedicated largely to major crime and the management of major investigations before his retirement at the rank of Detective Chief Superintendent. Throughout his service he was awarded the Australian Police Medal, the National Police Service Medal and NSW Police Medal. 


Martha Jabour

The Authority's representative for victims, Ms Jabour is the Executive Director of the Homicide Victims Support Group (Aust.) Inc and since 1993, continues to represent the community of NSW and family members of homicide on several committees and boards.  She was awarded a medal of the Order of Australia for service to the community through support for victims of homicide. 


Catriona McComish 

A former Senior Assistant Commissioner Community Offender Services, CSNSW, she is the Director of a private consultancy, providing clinical, forensic and organisational psychology services to public sector agencies, training groups and NGOs. 


Donald Sword

On behalf of the NSW Ombudsman, Mr Sword delivers training services to government agencies and NGO’s and is a member of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Guardianship Division), the NSW Legal Aid Review Committee and the Justice Disability Advisory Council. 


Lloyd Walker

An Australian Wallaby great and acting co-ordinator for the Aboriginal Corporation for Homeless and Rehabilitation Community Services, Mr Walker is also a panel member of the Serious Young Offenders Review Panel. He is the State Parole Authority's longest serving member. 


Deb Wallace, APM

A former Detective Superintendent, Ms Wallace served more than 36 years with the NSW Police Force and commanded specialist squads including the Gangs Squad, Middle Eastern Organised Crime and Strike Force Raptor, which targeted criminal bikie gangs. She currently hosts the true crime series, ‘Million Dollar Murders,’ and is  President of the Swansea Workers Club. 



Last updated:

07 Feb 2025

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