Member Vacancies

There are currently no vacancies for Community Members.

All appointments to the State Parole Authority as a Community Member is in accordance with the NSW Premier and Cabinet Board and Committee Guidelines.

Advertisements for vacancies when they become available, will be hosted on this website and in NSW media outlets.

Applications will not be accepted outside the advertised period.

Potential candidates are required to submit an electronic application which includes answering several questions posed by a selection panel.

If successful through the electronic application process, candidates may be asked to participate in a face to face interview to further assess suitability for the role.

The Minister for Corrections is then presented with a summary of all relevant evidence gathered about the applicants and the panel's recommendation for appointment.

Probity checks are completed for the recommended applicants.

The Minister makes recommendations for appointments which are forwarded to Cabinet for approval and final appointment by the Governor of NSW.

Alternatively, the Minister has authority to directly appoint Community Members to the State Parole Authority.

Details regarding these processes can be found on the Premier and Cabinet website .

Last updated:

14 Sep 2023

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We acknowledge Aboriginal people as the First Nations Peoples of NSW and pay our respects to Elders past, present and future. We acknowledge the ongoing connection Aboriginal people have to this land and recognise Aboriginal people as the original custodians of this land.

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