Review hearings

The State Parole Authority publishes weekly court lists for review hearings which are held every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

These public hearings are held to review preliminary decisions for inmates where parole has been refused or for offenders whose parole has been revoked.

All Serious Offenders appear before a review hearing before a final decision on parole is made. Review hearings provide an opportunity for the SPA to hear any submissions made by registered victims or the State of NSW.

Inmates of special interest to the Commissioner CSNSW may also appear at a public review hearing.

You can check the court list at the start of every week to see who is scheduled to appear before the SPA.

Court hearings are open to the public with inmates appearing via Audio Visual Link (AVL) from correctional centres.

Hearings are held in Court 1A on Level 1 of the Sydney West Trial Courts building, located at 6 George Street, Parramatta.

Last updated:

05 Aug 2022

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