Parole granted Terrence John Leary

Offender Terrence John Leary will be monitored electronically 24/7 and reside at a secure, CSNSW supported facility as part of a comprehensive plan for his close supervision on parole.

Authority Chair, the Honourable Geoffrey Bellew, SC handed down the determination finding a lengthy period of parole with the highest level of supervision, monitoring and conditions offers the safest pathway for the offender’s reintegration into the community.

The Hon Geoffrey Bellew, SC said:

“In the Authority’s view, on the information presently available to it, the offender’s release on supervised parole is conducive to the safety of the community. 

“The alternative is to keep the offender in custody and release him at some later point in time, either with a shorter period of parole supervision or at the end of his sentence with no period of supervised parole at all. 

“In the Authority’s view, a moment’s reflection on those options leads to the inevitable conclusion that the Community is better served, in terms of its protection, by supervised release.  

“The offender will be released at some point. That is inevitable. 

“In the Authority’s view it is far better for the offender’s reintegration into the community, and for the community in general, for him to be closely supervised, than to be released in the absence of any supervision at all.

Leary is a convicted serious sex offender under the Crimes (High Risk Offenders) Act 2006 and subject to all the provisions of Mandatory Electronic Monitoring.

A parole review hearing today heard the State did not oppose Leary’s release to parole.

But the State did submit that an additional condition to monitor Leary’s mental health should be imposed.

However, in the Authority’s view, the offender’s mental health is sufficiently addressed by a comprehensive supervision and monitoring plan, along other conditions the Authority saw fit to impose.

The Authority confirmed it had considered the expert advice of the Serious Offenders Review Council (SORC) which recommended parole as appropriate at this time, noting the offender has successfully completed programs to address his offending, including a sex offender program.

The SORC further noted Leary will reside at a CSNSW supported facility on his release where he will be required to adhere to a curfew, terms, and conditions.

“…we think that is of greater benefit for his reintegration and the protection of the public than limited external leave,” the SORC advised. 

Community Corrections did not support parole, recommending instead a period of external leave in the community, involving day leave and weekend.

The Authority determined it was satisfied that parole with close supervision and conditions offered better protection for community.

Leary is subject to Standard Conditions of parole 1-11 and Additional Conditions that he must:

- Participate in CSNSW Psychology, Forensic Psychology Services and UNSW Forensic Psychology services.

- Not contact, communicate with, watch, stalk, harass or intimidate the victim or victim's family.

- Comply with all conditions and requirements of the Child Protection Register.

- Not frequent or visit the LGAs of Hawkesbury City Council and Port Stephens 

Leary’s release date is not earlier than 18 September 2024 and not later than 25 September 2024.

His parole order remains in force until 28 June 2028, unless revoked.

Last updated:

03 Sep 2024

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