Robert Hughes Granted Parole

2 June 2022

The State Parole Authority (SPA) has granted parole to inmate Robert Hughes who will be deported to the United Kingdom following his release from prison.

The SPA’s Determination, by Chairperson David Frearson SC, is published here.

 In its decision, the SPA acknowledged the “profound and deleterious effects on the victims…continue to this day and will probably be lifelong consequences.”

“It must be particularly galling for the victims to observe the offender’s continued and obstinate denials in the face of compelling and overwhelming evidence from multiple witnesses,” Judge Frearson said in his determination.

In granting parole, the SPA accepted expert evidence he has consistently been assessed as a below average risk of sexually reoffending and this prevents him accessing any sex offender treatment programs while he remains in custody.

However, Hughes and his wife have given undertakings that once back in the community, he will seek treatment with a clinical psychologist specialising in convicted sex offenders who deny their crimes, to assist with his reintegration and reduce his risk of re-offending.

Hughes will be deported to the UK on his release from prison as he is a non-lawful citizen, having renounced his Australian citizenship in 2020.

While deportation removes Hughes from the jurisdiction of NSW and any SPA order, Australian Border Force has advised it will notify UK authorities of his imminent return.

INTERPOL has also confirmed Hughes will be monitored by UK authorities and subject to “notification requirements” and conditions pursuant to Part 2 of the Sexual Offences Act, 2003 (UK) [the Act].

Under the Act, Hughes must:

  • Report to police within three days of his return to the UK
  • Provide his address and where he regularly stays if not his home address
  • Provide passport details, bank account and credit card details
  • Notify authorities of any intention to travel outside the UK
  • Notify police if he intends to stay (for a period of at least 12 hours) at a household where a child is present
  • Notify authorities of any change in personal information within three days; and confirm details on an annual basis

Hughes, 73, has been eligible for parole since 6 April 2020 (the end of his 6 years nonparole period) but has twice been denied parole by the SPA. Hughes will be released from custody by CSNSW on a date no later than 14 June 2022.

Information alert
Please note

Arrangements for the release of Hughes from custody is the responsibility of Corrective Services NSW and his deportation will be coordinated by Australian Border Force. Please contact CSNSW Media Unit for all enquiries concerning his release

Last updated:

21 Jul 2022