Paul Douglas Peters to Face Public Parole Review Hearing in August

Friday 11 June 2021

The State Parole Authority, (SPA) today accepted expert advice recommending offender, Paul Douglas Peters, be released to supervised parole.

A SPA panel met today to consider advice whether his release to supervised parole is in the best interests of community safety.

In a report to the SPA, the Serious Offenders Review Council advised parole was appropriate, stating Peters has been assessed as a low risk of re-offending, has completed all available programs in custody and has suitable post-release plans.

Community Corrections, in a pre-release report, also supported release to parole with supervision and strict conditions.

Following consideration of all the available information and reports, the SPA today formed an intention to grant parole and ordered the matter be listed for a public review hearing.

The hearing in public court will be held in August, on a date to be fixed.

The hearing will provide an opportunity for the SPA to hear further evidence and any possible submissions by the victim/family or the State.

In 2011, Peters was convicted of aggravated break and enter commit serious indictable offence. He was sentenced to a maximum 13 years and 6 months, with a non-parole period of 10 years, expiring 14 August 2021.

Peters, 60, is eligible for release to parole after the non-parole period expires.

His head sentence expires 14 February 2025

Media inquiries: 0418203950 or

Background only:

  • This is Peters’ first parole consideration.
  • Offenders do not apply for parole at a first consideration. The legislation mandates offenders must be considered by the SPA as they approach the end of the non-parole period of sentence.
  • Offenders cannot be released on parole before the non-parole period expires.
  • Offenders conditionally released on parole are not “free” as they must continue to serve the remainder of their maximum sentence in the community, subject to supervision by Community Corrections and compliance with strict conditions as ordered by the SPA.
  • A breach of parole will result in a revocation of the parole order and a return to custody.


Last updated:

14 Jun 2022