Conditions of Intensive Correction Orders

All ICO orders contain mandatory standard conditions and at least one Additional Condition (see below) as set by the Court at the time of sentencing. 

Community Corrections, the offender, or their legal representative may later request a variation of the conditions. 

The Court sets the original conditions at the time of sentencing however any request for a variation of ICO conditions must be made to the State Parole Authority.

Neither a sentencing court nor the SPA can impose a home detention or community service work condition on an ICO without first getting an assessment report from Community Corrections stating the offender is suitable for such a condition.

ICO Standard Conditions 

All ICOs have  that an offender must not break the law and must be supervised by a Community Corrections Officer.

Below are the Standard Conditions for ICOs (DOCX, 27.9 KB):

1. You must not commit any offences. 

2. You must report to a community corrections officer on the day this order is made if the order has a home detention or electronic monitoring condition. Otherwise, you must report to a community corrections officer as soon as practicable but no later than 7 days from the date of this order.

3. You must report to a community corrections officer at the times and places directed by the officer.

4. You must comply with all reasonable directions from a community corrections officer about: 

a) the place where you will live 

b) participating in programs, treatment, interventions, or other related activities 

c) participating in employment, education, training, or other related activities 

d) not undertaking specified employment, education, training, volunteer, leisure, or other activities

 e) not associating with specified people 

f) not visiting or frequenting specified places or areas 

g) ceasing drug use 

h) ceasing or reducing alcohol use 

i) drug and alcohol testing 

j) monitoring your compliance with the order 

k) giving consent to third parties to provide information to the officer that is relevant to your compliance with the order.

5. You must permit a community corrections officer to visit you at the place where you live at any time and permit the officer to enter the premises when they visit you.

6. You must notify a community corrections officer if you change your address, contact details or employment. You must do this before the change occurs if practicable, or within 7 days of the change occurring.

7. You must not leave New South Wales without permission from a community corrections manager.

8. You must not leave Australia without permission from the State Parole Authority. 

ICO Additional Conditions 

Sentencing courts will impose at least one of the following additional conditions on an ICO order:

Home detention 

  • You must remain at your address at all times, unless you are engaged in activities approved by a community corrections officer, or you are faced with immediate danger (for example, a fire or medical emergency).
  • You must submit a schedule of proposed activities to a community corrections officer for approval. 
  • You must comply with all reasonable directions from a community corrections officer about giving consent to third parties to provide information to the officer that is relevant to your compliance with the approved activities. 
  • You must submit to electronic monitoring. 
  • You must comply with all reasonable directions from a community corrections officer or electronic monitoring officer about electronic monitoring. 
  • You must not remove, tamper with, damage or disable your electronic monitoring equipment. 
  • You must not possess or have in your control any firearms or prohibited weapons unless approval is given by a community corrections manager. 

Electronic monitoring

  •  You must submit to electronic monitoring. 
  • You must comply with all reasonable directions from a community corrections officer or electronic monitoring officer about electronic monitoring. 
  • You must not remove, tamper with, damage or disable your electronic monitoring equipment. 


  • You must remain at the address specified in this order, or by a community corrections officer, during the curfew hours. You may only leave the address if you are faced with immediate danger (for example, a fire or medical emergency) or there is an exception specified in this order. 

Community service work 

  • You must report to a community corrections officer as soon as practicable but no later than 7 days from the date of the ICO order.
  •  You must participate in any activities connected with the administration of your community service work condition as directed by a community corrections officer (including reporting to a community corrections officer). 
  • You must permit a community corrections officer to visit you at the place where you live at any time and permit the officer to enter the premises when they visit you. 
  • You must give consent to third parties to provide information to a community corrections officer that is relevant to your compliance with community service work. 
  • You must perform the number of community service work hours specified in this order. 
  • You must sign an attendance register when you arrive at and depart from your community service work site. 
  • You must perform community service work in accordance with any reasonable directions from a community corrections officer or a work site supervisor.
  •  You must keep in good condition any clothing or equipment issued to you.
  •  You must not damage or deface any property that is on or part of your community service work site unless you are directed to do so by a work site supervisor. 
  • You must observe the safety standards as directed by a community corrections officer or a work site supervisor. 
  • You must not report for, or perform, community service work if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. 
  • You must submit to alcohol or drug testing at your community service work site as directed by an authorised testing officer. 
  • If you fail to report for, or perform, community service work, you must notify a community corrections officer of the reasons within 7 days of the failure to work. 
  • If you fail to report for, or perform, community service work due to illness or injury, you must give a community corrections officer a medical certificate from a medical practitioner within 7 days of the failure to work. The medical certificate must state the nature of your illness or injury, and that the illness or injury was the reason you failed to work. 
  • You must give a medical certificate from a medical practitioner to a community corrections officer, if directed to do so, if: a) you are unable to perform community service work, or b) you are unable to do something you have been directed to do while performing community service work. 
  • You must submit to a medical examination by a medical practitioner if directed to do so by a community corrections officer. Intervention 
  • You must participate in any program, treatment, intervention or related activity specified in this order or by a community corrections officer. 


  • You must abstain from alcohol or,
  • You must abstain from drugs unless they are prescribed for you by a medical practitioner, or
  •  You must abstain from alcohol, and you must abstain from drugs unless the drugs are prescribed for you by a medical practitioner. 


  • You must not be in the company of any people specified in this order, or communicate with those people by any means, unless there is an exception specified in this order. 

Place restriction 

  • You must not visit or frequent any places or areas specified in this order, unless there is an exception specified in this order.
Last updated:

21 Jun 2024